Building it together
I made a box of Alu plate and build everything together. The result is here.

On the back side I put some connectors:
- N-connector for PA-output
- N-connector for Dish/BullsEye input
- PL-connector for input of the drive rf from the FT-950 (28MHz)
- sma connector for connecting the GPS antenna
- a red and black DC power plug
- The RSP1a is glued to the backside so the usb connector can be pushed in from the back.
- On the left we see the PA. Next to it the mixer, than the bias-T, than the RSP1a. At the righ side the Bodnar GSP generator of the
10MHz. Front right the 13.5 to 18V convertor.
- between the antenna input and the RSP1a I installed a 20dB attenuator, because the output of the BullsEye is very strong!!!
- On the front panel two analog gauges for the Power and the SWR
- On the right a on/off switch, with a red LED.
- I am still looking for a way to bring out the LEDs of the BODNAR and the mixer to the outside. I was thinking of glassfiber,....???
Still one little problem: the green LED of the mixer is not going on if all modules are powered at once. So, no lock.
If you put the power of the mixer off and on again, the LED is going to be green immediately. Don't know why ?
At the end I have only one LED on the front panel. That is a bit poor. And actually I have three more LED's, one on the GPS-oscillator, the red lock-LED. And two LED's on the up-mixer. A green one for the RX/TX and a green one for the lock indication.
I like to see these LED's on the front panel as well. I tried a never used before method to get that done. I bought some fake glass fiber (actually it is plastic) and glued one end on the LED and the other end in a 3mm whole in the front panel. Splendid !!
really very nice and simple.