Coax cable
I had a coax cable already from my shack to the flat roof, where the dish is mounted. It is 15m Aircell 7, a pretty good cable actually.
The Bulls Eye has a local oscillator, and it is mixed with the incoming signal from the satellite. The result is 739 MHz. Quite high and 15m coax will attenuate the signal about 3dB. Is this bad,.....not at all. The gain of the Bulls Eye is so high that the attenuation is most welcome and actually too low still. So I bought an F-connector to N-connector adapter (male to female) and installed the dish, LNA and cable. So I had my 739 MHz signal in my shack.
Installing and aligning the dish to the QO100 is not difficult but should be done with care. I did it this way,...:
- I used an RSP1a sdr receiver and connected it to the coax cable. Also connect it with my laptop in the shack. Software used is SDRUno. Set the frequency to 739500 (lower beacon) and try to find the beacon. You will see that the Bulls Eye is not exactly on the frequency. They claim +- 10kHz. Well my LNA did +17kHz,.....mmmm. Anyway tune the receiver to the upper signal of the beacon.
If you don't hear anything try to point the dish to the satellite.
Azimuth 155.2 degrees, elevation 28.3 degrees.
Put the sound of the laptop on maximal so on the roof you can hear the beep of the beacon well. Align the dish so the beep is maximal volume. That is all.
With this receiver and software I got a Signal/Noise ratio of 29.6 dB. So, S9, loud and clear !
A good start of my QO100 ride,.....